Mothers Learn to Identify

According to police data, there are about 12,000 cases a year of sexual assault of children aged 0-12.

However, only 6% of these cases are reported and treated. The remaining incidents are either not detected or not reported. 80% of the cases are only reported approximately 10 years from the date of the incident. (A child who was molested at the age of 5 may only understand and speak about what they experienced at the age of 15 or even later). The lack of care for the abused children soon after the abuse can cause severe post-trauma in the injured children manifesting in eating disorders, mental disorders and depression.

Mothers Learn to Identify is a ground-breaking social initiative that aims to create protected communities of mothers across the country who will learn to be attentive to signs in order to locate and identify if a child has been sexually abused or molested. Mothers will be accompanied and instructed by professional women about sexual abuse of children through monthly social and educational sessions, where they will receive tools for attentive parenting, recognizing common signs and syndromes of sexual abuse among children, as well as personal guidance and assistance throughout the procedure in case of abuse. All of this is in order to raise awareness and facilitate detection, reporting and early treatment for the children.

By contributing to the campaign, you will help establish protective communities and save children's lives, in real time, in order to reduce and treat the trauma.

"Save the Pixel" is a fundraising campaign.

Each pixel in the picture, costs one shekel and donors may purchase as many as they wish with a minimum of 18 shekels.

After the donation, the pixels you purchased will be added to the image (updating every 24 hours).

You can add a personal sentence and a link to your website when you donate.  This will be published together with the image when you click on your pixels.

Every pixel buyer also enters a raffle for valuable prizes.

Any buyer of over 360 pixels will also participate in the raffle for the top prize – A Dream Vacation Weekend at a 5 star hotel in Greece.

In addition, there are pre-loaded prizes under some of the pixel cubes in the image and whoever buys those secret pixels will automatically win a prize. (The lottery is supervised by CPA Einat Levy Dalumi).

You too can be part of the rescue mosaic.

All proceeds are earmarked to building communities of mothers learning to identify sexual abuse in children, across the country.

Together we will create a mosaic of a proactive reality, to identify and prevent harm to children.

The founder of the project, Adv. Effy Fadida, is an entrepreneur and social activist and founder of the "All Women" organization, a social movement whose goal is to promote issues related to women's rights, their promotion and empowerment. All activity in the movement, including women from all sectors and from all political views is fully voluntary. One of the organization's most notable activities is the establishment of "Remembrance Day for Victims of Violence Against Women." This event takes place every year on the second of February in dozens of localities in Israel and around the world to raise awareness to
eradicate the phenomenon of Femicide. (murdering of women).

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